Let’s just cut to the chase – both butter and coconut oil are high calorie, high saturated fat foods.  Neither boasts exceptional nutritional value, though they both have some benefits.  And while coconut oil’s saturated fat is made up of mostly medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs and can raise your “good” cholesterol levels, it also raises your “bad” HDL levels.  At best, the one might off-set the other, but no one can claim to know with absolute certainty that coconut oil is “good” for you.

And butter, provided it is unsalted, isn’t as bad as it is made out to be.  In fact, butter has vitamins A , D, and K.  Plus, if you go cleanest and get butter made from grass fed cow milk, you’ll also get some conjugated linoleic acid , which boosts metabolism.

So, why use one over the other?  If you are a Vegan, Paleo, Lactose Intolerant, or have a milk allergy, then coconut oil is for you.  If you are allergic to Palm Oil or are managing your cholesterol, then butter or cold-pressed oils are the way to go.  Otherwise, it comes down to taste and texture.

In baking, coconut oil lends an oilier texture and taste.  It is less dense than butter and doesn’t have the milk proteins to bind it together.  On the other hand, coconut oil is great for satueeing vegetables and with fruit desserts.  In my opinion butter is still best for baked goods because adds both richness and density.    

Whatever you decide to use, moderation is best.  This is true whether you are managing your blood pressure or heart disease, or you are a skinny mini who runs 40 miles a week.  Besides, it doesn't take much of either of these delicious solid fats to make goodness happen.